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Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition Steam CD Key Global

Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition key is a digital product - no box delivery. The price applies to a digital version of the product.
Pre-Order, You will receive the key before or at 6th, Mar.
Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition Steam CD Key Global
Nuevo Caliente

EUR 33.26

EUR 49.99

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Descripción del producto
Global key for Steam and PC

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before. Now, get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

New Features:
- “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
- First Person Mode
- Armiger Unleashed
- Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
- Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia TYPE-D
- Additional Achievements

- FFXV Episode Gladiolus
- FFXV Episode Prompto
- FFXV Episode Ignis
- FFXV Booster Pack+
- FFXV Holiday Pack+
* Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
- [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)、Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)、 Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)、Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
- [Regalia Coloring] Platinum Leviathan、16-Bit Buddies、Cindymobile、Gold Chocobo
- [Outfit] Royal Raiment
- [Item] Travel Pack、Camera Kit、Angler Set、Gourmand Set

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